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E-Varamu kasutamine on üldiselt võimalik ilma mingeid isikuandmeid esitamata. Iga isikuandmete salvestamine (nimi, aadress, e-posti aadress) on võimalik ainult peale kasutajapoolset nõustumist ja isikuandmete kaitse deklaratsiooni heakskiitmist. Andmekaitse deklaratsioon annab teada, miks andmeid kogutakse, kus neid kasutatakse ja kuidas kord salvestatud andmeid saab süsteemist kustutada ka peale salvestamiseks nõusoleku andmist.

E-Varamu portaal kasutab küpsiseid, st tekstifaile, mis salvestatakse sinu arvutisse või telefoni ning mille abil saame analüüsida portaalikasutust ja ühendada otsingud portaali kasutussessiooniga. Kõik see aitab kaasa portaali mugavamale kasutamisele. Kui küpsistest keelduda, ei ole kõik süsteemi funktsioonid (nt mõne valiku või keele meelespidamine) kasutatavad. Küpsised kustutatakse kasutussessiooni lõpus või hiljemalt veebilehitseja sulgemisel.

E-Varamu portaal rakendab kasutuse analüüsil avatud lähtekoodiga tarkvara Piwik ning viimane kasutab http-küpsiseid ülalkirjeldatud viisil. Sinu IP-aadress tehakse mittejälgitavaks enne salvestamist. Küpsiste allalaadimise saab kasutatavas veebilehitsejas ära keelata. Tõsi, siis ei käivitu lehe kogu funktsionaalsus. Lisaks võib meile tulla teade, et sa ei soovi oma E-Varamu sessioonide logimist. Siis salvestame sellesisulise http-küpsise sinu telefoni või arvutisse. Niikaua kui see küpsis on antud seadmes, ei logi me sealt tehtud pöördumisi portaali. Erinevate seadmete kasutamisel (arvuti, tahvel, telefon) tuleb see protsess igaühel neist läbi teha. Kõigest eeltoodust sõltumatult registreeritakse iga E-Varamu portaali poole pöördumine ja iga faili allalaadimine. Need andmed kogutakse ja salvestatakse umbisikustatult ja neid pole võimalik konkreetse kasutajaga siduda.

Iga andmekogum koosneb järgmistest osadest:

  • lehekülg, millelt faili taotleti
  • väljakutsutud faili nimi
  • taotluse kuupäev ja kellaaeg
  • edastatud andmemaht
  • juurdepääsu olek (fail edastatud, faili ei leitud jne)
  • kasutatava veebibrauseri tüübi kirjeldus.

Me jätame sihipäraselt lugeja IP aadressi peale sessiooni lõppu salvestamata. See on üldiselt standardne tegutsemisviis ja tähendab, et me ei loo isikustatud kasutajaprofiile. Andmeid, mida salvestame, kasutame eranditult statistiliste analüüside tegemiseks (seda juhul, kui olete meile selleks loa andnud, vt ülalt) ja tehniliste häirete lokaliseerimiseks ja parandamiseks. Ei salvestatud andmeid üldiselt ega neist mingeid osi ei anta edasi kolmandatele osapooltele.

Ja kolmandatel osapooltel on meiega tehtud juriidilise lepinguga ühetähenduslikult keelatud mistahes kontaktandmete või nende osade kopeerimine mistahes reklaami- ja turundusega seotud eesmärkidel, kui meie või kasutaja pole seda neilt tellinud. Nende veebilehtede tegija jätab endale õiguse pöörduda kohtusse, kui midagi sellist on toimunud, näiteks on andmeid kasutatud rämpsposti saatmiseks.

Andmekaitseavaldus koostööpartneritele:

One central aspect of the E-Varamu is that it networks all Estonian cultural and scientific facilities and their digital and digitalised inventories. To include the institution you represent in this, you must go through a registration process during which personal data will be requested. The following information on data protection explains why we collect your data, what we use it for and how you can revoke consent you have already given, if necessary.

  1. Compliance and purpose of data storage and processing
    By entering your personal data (first name, surname, academic title, job description, email address, tel. no.; see step 4 of registering for cultural and scientific facilities), you give your consent that these data can be saved and processed for the purposes of registering your institution. We need your personal data to
    • allow you and your institution access to the services of the E-Varamu provided exclusively for you via a personalised entry point (Account), and so that
    • we, as the technical operator working on behalf of the Competence Network, are able to contact you quickly and without complication to provide you with technical support, as well as to set up and maintain the E-Varamu.
  2. Data transfer, cookies
    Your personal data may only be transferred in order to clarify questions in connection with setting up or maintaining the E-Varamu. Accordingly, data recipients are therefor only those responsible for the coordination, technical development and operation of the E-Varamu. As for the rest, your data will not be transferred or made available to third parties. The registration process and the Extranet of the E-Varamu set cookies in order to allocate queries to a session. This makes it possible to use websites in a simple and convenient manner. If cookies are rejected by communicating computers, important functions of the system will not be at the user’s disposal. These cookies are deleted when the session is ended, and at the latest when the Web browser is closed.
  3. Data security
    Your data can only be accessed by people who are involved in the administration and management of the E-Varamu.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files used to provide or enhance the services we offer online. They are small files stored on your computer. We use them on this website to allow us to measure visitor numbers, and to enhance functionality in some areas. Our cookies do not contain any personal information about you. You can choose to refuse cookies. We encourage you to accept the cookies our website uses as they help us to improve the user experience for you.

To control cookies use the controls in your browser. A summary of these is available on the All About Cookies website: http://www.allaboutcookies.org/manage-cookies/

For more information on the law and cookies see the EU Cookie law page on the Information Commissioner’s Office website https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-pecr/cookies/

Essential Cookies

These cookies ensure the website performs and you can use all of its features.

A full list is available on the WordPress cookies page: https://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Cookies

Information cookies

These cookies collect anonymous information about how a website visitor uses the website. They are anonymous and don’t collect any information that could identify you. The benefit of this is it allows us to see how the website performs and which bits people want to use.

A full list, including information cookies, is available on the WordPress cookies page: https://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Cookies

Google or Matomo Analytics may be being used on this website and you can find out more on the Cookie Law website: http://www.cookielaw.org/google-analytics-eu-cookie-law/

Alternatively you can opt out of Google Analytics for all websites https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout

Website functions cookies

These cookies remember any preferences you might set when using the website. For example, if you set the text size and any customisation options. They can include commenting information on pages as well.

A full list of the relevant WordPress cookies is available on their cookies page: https://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Cookies

Third party cookies

Most third party cookies allow links to other websites. In particular this type of cookie connects to social and sharing websites like Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter. Using these cookies allows you to share interesting content without leaving the website.

Internet Advertising BureauA guide to behavioural advertising and online privacy has been produced by the Internet advertising industry which can be found at: http://www.youronlinechoices.eu

International Chamber of Commerce United Kingdom Information on the ICC (UK) UK cookie guide can be found on the ICC website section: http://www.international-chamber.co.uk/our-expertise/digitaleconomy

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